About the Good Hope School

Good Hope School was founded in 2007 by Duffield-based charity Reaper Ministries. Joe, Alex, and Aidan's primary school, Duffield Meadows, has had a long link with the school as one of charity's trustees is a teaching assistant at Meadows. Reaper Ministries still supports the school today, both financially and administratively.


Malawi is the 6th poorest country in the world, with over 55% of the population living in poverty. Only 11% of Malawian children complete primary school and although education is free, parents have to pay for uniform and stationery, which many can't afford. This means that a lot of children are unable to attend school.


It offers free education for approximately 730 underpriviliged children, 1/3 of which are AIDS orphans. Good Hope School has only 19 teaching staff which means that a lot of classes are very cramped, with around 40 children squeezed into a relatively small classroom.